Saturday, 3 January 2009

Just a little rant

I am so frustrated! I got this amazing new all in one photo printer on the base here. So I printed up all the AO lessons for 12 weeks, plus quite a few other things...point is I ran out of Black I go to the BX to get more and they don't have it, so I go online to order it and the US site won't ship to APO addresses. Now I understand about FedEx contracts being cheaper but it is a real slight to the US military when companies or individuals refuse to ship to us as we live in places where simple things can be hard to come by and APO addresses are one of the benefits we receive to help make this easier. (for anyone who doesn't understand an APO address is a US mailing address for military members stationed overseas, only USPS can send to us as it all goes to a sorting center and is picked up by the military who then carries it across the oceans to us) Now for me..I live in England so its not usually that bad for us. We can't always get the food we like and we have to order a lot of our electronics...but most things we can at least find a substitute for but here we are back at ink! I need ink...the local economy didn't seem to have it anywhere at all...and when I finally did find it paid almost double what it would have cost to ship it here then I put it in my printer and it won't register but comes up with an error message that the ink is 27 minutes on the phone with HP (not free for us by the way) just to have them tell me to call UK HP...well it's a US machine so you can imagine they are going to send me to the US site $60 down the tube, still no ink...and I need math pages for school monday and haven't set up the boys notebooks yet!!!!!

I am sure this sounds like babble...and it is really but I am so annoyed right now! All this could have been so easy if our US companies would just support our US military and ship to APO what if it costs a little more than FED EX it is me that would be paying the extra postage prices not them!!!!


Amazing_Grace said...

Can you get a relative to buy the ink for you in the states and send it to you?

Can you have a friend that lives near you that does not live on base allow you to send the ink to them?