Saturday, 31 January 2009

Orders are in!

So my orders are finally in! About a month ago I found a good deal on Winters Promise Quest for the Ancients Jr/Sr High curriculum. When it arrived I was so enamored with it that I knew we would have to use it right away. Tristan has this unbelievable interest in Ancient History so I really feel we will soar with this subject. But of course Jr/Sr High is far too much for a six and seven year old so anyways. I finally placed my orders and decided on My Fathers World Creations to Greeks to go with Winters Promise Quest for the Ancients, My Fathers World Exploring Countries and Cultures along with Galloping the Globe for geography . Rosetta Stone French. And Winters Promise Adventures in Sea and Sky. I know this sounds like TONS AND TONS of curriculum and it is. But we have a method to our madness. We are a family filled with ADHD learners, we bore easily and when we are bored we don't do anything constructive. So our plan is to alternate between Ancients and Sea and Sky allowing ourselves several years to complete them both. We are going to use ECC and GTG as Geography and only do it one or two days a week and again drag it out over several years. With this method I shouldn't have to buy any new curriculum (with the exception of language arts) for several years and will be feeding directly into my boys interest and learning styles. In addition we are still really LOVING Sandi Queen's Lanuage Lessons! This is a fantastic curriculum and since you are only doing a little bit each day and each day is something a little different it is really keeping the interest of all three boys!


Shell in your Pocket said...

What a fun is like a fairy cute and original!
-sandy toe