Monday 15 December 2008

Unbelievable!!! BUT TRUE!!!

I can't even comment on this but read this exerpt and then check out the link to the whole story!!

"Building a Better Society

The Belgian government’s authority over the health and education of its children is deemed by many as a mark of progress toward a “better society” where children’s rights are properly recognized and protected. Those that satisfy the government’s standards live in peace. For the rest, there is no peace, and sometimes, they are not even allowed to live.
Since 2002, Belgium has allowed doctors to terminate the lives of infants under the age of 12 months if they feel the baby is somehow disabled or deficient, and is likely to suffer in life as a result.14 More than half of the Belgian babies who die before they are a year old are killed by deliberate medical intervention.15 In 16% of cases, parental consent was not even considered.16 To put these numbers in perspective, the CIA World Fact Book estimates that roughly 106,000 babies are born in Belgium each year.17 Even using conservative estimates of Belgium’s rate of assisted-suicide in infants, one can estimate that some 470 children will die before they celebrate their first birthday. Of these 470, more than 200 will die not from natural causes, but from direct medical intervention. Forty (40) of them will die regardless of their parents’ wishes, objections, or pleadings. Such a program might produce a “better society,” but one is left in horror at the ultimate sacrifice of innocent babies.

Unfortunately, the program has been deemed so “successful” in Belgium that in March 2008, the government began considering legislation that would also make assisted-suicide available to teenagers and younger children who are terminally-ill.18"

I am speechless and disgusted....and TERRIFIED!!!

God bless the little children, protect them from the ignorant and fearful!



Amazing_Grace said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe it!

Anonymous said...

Stumbled across your blog through the Feed it! link on my blog. Yep - I'm following you! ;D Only slightly joking . . . . hahaha

I love the name of your blog! We are retired Air Force - hubby retired a year ago this past summer. We're still adjusting to civilian life! I'm also a mother of five kiddos, four of which are boys!

Hubby and I were never stationed overseas - he did deploy, but that doesn't count. My dad was Air Force as well and we were stationed at Ramstein AFB in Germany. We traveled ALL over the place while we were stationed there. I have so many fond memories! Hubby and I have been able to take our crew over to England, which was fun. We got a ride on the back of a herc (that's was hubby's airplane when he was active duty).

I see that you're using Ambleside Online. Do you like it? Is this your first year using it? I seriously considered using it, but got cold feet because no one else I knew was utilizing it! I would love to hear about your experience.

Wowzers! I think I just wrote a short chapter here. I better stop!

BlessedTimes5 said...

How very funny! I just started reading your blog yesterday and kept thinking Wow..this could be my family! HA HA!

We used Ambleside in parts before but never as a whole..I wouldn't have even tried it if someone else hadn't been kind enough to lay out all of year one into neat little downloadable folders by week! That gave me just enough structure to feel safe without feeling overwhelmed by deadlines. I am very much a "relaxed" homeschool mom! I have looked at Veritas Press and MFW for future endeavors if Ambleside doesn't work have used both right? We used Beautiful Feet with my eldest two years ago and might use it again when we get to American History...or we might use Sonlight...You know...I really really REALLY love curriculum!

Anyways, thank you for stalking me! I am stalking you too! Your blog is just so much fun to read!

Anonymous said...

You name it and I've probably used it! lol I have a history of switching curriculums - a history that my husband just rolls his eyes at! ;D I looked in Sonlight and decided against it - I felt overwhelmed. I'm using MFW this year, for the first time, and I like it. I never make any promises on sticking with any one curriculum anymore! I've had to eat some major crow before . . . . well, a lot.